Friday, April 25, 2008

Technical sketch

before that, you much learn how to cut images with a pen tool

First, you’ll have to separate the object from the rest of the image. To do that, use the Pen tool. Before you start, check to see if Paths and Add to path area (+) are selected in options.


Create a path around your object.


Sometimes, you have to make two or more selections to finally select the object and not the unnecessary space somewhere in the object (like this space shown on image below). Make a path around outer rim, then switch to Subtract from path area (-) in Pen tool options and make a path(s) around part(s) that don’t belong in final selection. Go to the Path palette and click on Load path as a selection. After that, right click on a selection and choose Delete Path.


Go to Edit / Copy (or press ctrl+C on keyboard) and then open a new document (File / New…). Values in Width and Height are taken from dimensions of copied image from clipboard, so we need some extra space since we don’t need “boxed-in” image. Set higher values just in case. It’s easy to crop the image later if needed.


Go to Edit / Paste (or press ctrl+V on keyboard). Desaturate the object (Image / Adjustments / Desaturate or ctrl+shift+U).


Now go to Filter / Blur / Smart Blur… Set Quality on High and Mode on Edge Only. Radius and Threshold are individual for every picture so it’s up to you to find what the best for your picture is. I’ve used these values.


Invert the image (Image / Adjustments / Invert or ctrl+I).


Go to Edit / Stroke… Set Width as you see the best for your picture, select color and set Location on Inside. You don’t need to modify other options.


Picture that looks like technical sketch…


1 comment:

Randy said...

That's neat & clear.Thanks.